Youth Group
Meet our new Assistant Pastors/Youth Pastors
"We're looking for that life changing - Relationship building - Word preaching - Jesus encountering - Fun filled times."

AfterShock is based on Acts 4:31. A monumental moment in history as the place was shaken and those who had gathered together were filled with the Holy Spirit. From there, the Gospel propelled forward with boldness! We seek to be constant reminders to the world that which Jesus Christ has not only done for us but the power that resides within.
Jacob & Mariah Olinger
Assistant Pastors/Youth Pastors
Jacob is a Garden City, Kansas native. He found his future wife at church (Word of Life) while in junior high after God told him Mariah was the one he was to marry one day. God's Word rang true on May 9th, 2014 as they were officially married. (Fun fact: Jacob was married the day before he graduated from high school)
The two moved to East Tennessee in November 2016 as God laid on them a season of change. There, in 2017 the Olinger family grew as they welcomed Ariah into the world.
Jacob has an interest in all things media/sound. He loves to read and create stories.
His heart is to help others experience the authentic Jesus and train up to be kingdom-minded warriors.
Fun facts:
The two moved to East Tennessee in November 2016 as God laid on them a season of change. There, in 2017 the Olinger family grew as they welcomed Ariah into the world.
Jacob has an interest in all things media/sound. He loves to read and create stories.
His heart is to help others experience the authentic Jesus and train up to be kingdom-minded warriors.
Fun facts:
- Proud uncle to 15 nieces and nephews.
- Third person in his family to record music
- Has been to 25 states
- Ran for public office at 18
- Finished a 7-week school course within 12hrs
- Can’t stand any type of canned meat
- Prefers winter.
- Loves to do anything that involves family
- Has fallen asleep at the alter before
Mariah is a Garden City, Kansas native. Growing up, Mariah has always had a love for children of all ages and is always willing to let that inner child out. She loves to craft, draw, and anything in between but don’t let her love of art fool you. She was the only girl on her middle school football team and can dish out just as good as she gets it.
From traveling to games every night and everything in between if it’s with family she’s ready to go.
Mariah leans on passion and compassion for kids and finds a connection with just about any of them.
She’s ready to take on the outdoors and enjoys shopping for anything that’s not groceries (who does?) She loves to joke around and is the first one ready to worship.
Fun facts:
From traveling to games every night and everything in between if it’s with family she’s ready to go.
Mariah leans on passion and compassion for kids and finds a connection with just about any of them.
She’s ready to take on the outdoors and enjoys shopping for anything that’s not groceries (who does?) She loves to joke around and is the first one ready to worship.
Fun facts:
- Loves summer (minus the heat)
- Interest in all things art
- Used to be in JROTC
- Middle child of 7 kids
- Loves sports (will get loud)
- Competitive at heart
- Prefers to be on time (early)
- Says she’s not tired so her husband can turn the TV on so she can go to sleep
As a couple:
Growing up together and being married for over 10 years now, they’ve become a dynamic duo in their own right.
These two find it easy to lean on each other’s strengths and help with weaknesses. You’ll find they are ready to break the Word of God down in various forms for understanding as they work together to form relationships, build trust, and bring kids together for a Jesus experience that’s authentic.
Together they’ve been through many tough times that have grown them to the people they are today.
Jacob is analytical by nature while Mariah focuses on the creative.
Growing up together and being married for over 10 years now, they’ve become a dynamic duo in their own right.
These two find it easy to lean on each other’s strengths and help with weaknesses. You’ll find they are ready to break the Word of God down in various forms for understanding as they work together to form relationships, build trust, and bring kids together for a Jesus experience that’s authentic.
Together they’ve been through many tough times that have grown them to the people they are today.
Jacob is analytical by nature while Mariah focuses on the creative.
If you are a teen, you belong here!
- Jacob Olinger
Type your new text here.
Type your new text here.
Type your new text here.
Unleashing the power of the Word & Holy Spirit. We seek nothing less
- Jacob Olinger
I'm only interested in the real authentic encounters with Jesus. Not some watered down mess!
- Jacob Olinger
We build warriors by training which is done by imparting
- Jacob Olinger
There’s a people out there who have never felt the goodness of Christ. There are those who have but haven’t seen the power. Finally there are people who’ve felt & seen yet don’t walk in the authority. I’m not stopping at any stage here. We’re going for it all!”
- Jacob Olinger
“We only start heading in the direction of an authentic Jesus experience when we submit that it’s never about us and Jesus never came to back us up in our feelings and ride the roller coaster with us. He’s looking for those who will drop the identity they have lived with and follow after Him. That’s the only Jesus I’m interested in. That’s the only Jesus that can change things.”
- Jacob Olinger
AfterShock: Core
Wednesdays @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Here students will hear the Word of God, make connections with others, have fun, all while being protected.
Here students will hear the Word of God, make connections with others, have fun, all while being protected.
Connect With Us
We are open for any form of communication.
We work full time jobs so sometimes we can't get back instantly.
Reach out to us. As your connected to us, we are connected to you. We want to work side-by-side with parents.
We work full time jobs so sometimes we can't get back instantly.
Reach out to us. As your connected to us, we are connected to you. We want to work side-by-side with parents.
All Youth Belong
We feel strongly about this. All YOUTH should have a place they belong to.
13 - 18 years old is welcomed into our AfterShock Youth Group.
Each teen fits in our puzzle because each one matters to us.
13 - 18 years old is welcomed into our AfterShock Youth Group.
Each teen fits in our puzzle because each one matters to us.
Another Step Further
We don't believe in only being present on Wednesday for our teens. We want to BE THERE for THEM.
Going to sport events, theater plays, movie nights, walks in the park, swimming days, youth retreats/conferences. You name it and we want to try and be apart of it. This is how we form connections that have lasting impacts.
Going to sport events, theater plays, movie nights, walks in the park, swimming days, youth retreats/conferences. You name it and we want to try and be apart of it. This is how we form connections that have lasting impacts.
Delivering Aftershocks
We believe that we should build up a youth group who encounters Jesus, knows the Word, has built relationships so that we can take that same group and make aftershocks in our community, state, nation, and world.
Community events, State events, local missions, national missions, global missions. However we can share Jesus and shine His love and light we want to do.
Community events, State events, local missions, national missions, global missions. However we can share Jesus and shine His love and light we want to do.
Partner With Us
Everything we do cost. That is the nature of the world we live in. We are looking to change the life of every teen who comes to our class, help the families they are apart of, and make an impactful change to the City-State-Nation we live in.
You can help tremendously by
1. Becoming a financial partner (one-time or monthly giving helps our group make these impacts) Please call the church for cash/check giving or click our giving option for online.
2. Becoming a service partner (groups need leaders/helpers. We won't expect you to preach a service. But time is valuable and showing up because you care means the world. (anyone wanting to serve in youth ministry will need to pass/meet certain guidelines.
You can help tremendously by
1. Becoming a financial partner (one-time or monthly giving helps our group make these impacts) Please call the church for cash/check giving or click our giving option for online.
2. Becoming a service partner (groups need leaders/helpers. We won't expect you to preach a service. But time is valuable and showing up because you care means the world. (anyone wanting to serve in youth ministry will need to pass/meet certain guidelines.